Unit 3: Analysis of audience research

culture promotional materila audience survey p5

Carrying out a survey:

i carried out a survey by using a website called Google Forms and sheets which allowed me to reach a number of people to allow them to answer audience preferences to culture in Manchester and what the audience would prefer to see in promotional material about culture in Manchester. The reason i used Google Forms + Sheets to other traditional methods of audience surveys is due to the easier access and use of the  website and due to the easy nature to share the survey as i can send it through emails and once answered the results are sent to me and put onto a website called Google Sheets.

google Sheets allows to view all individual responses through lists which allows me to use google sheets to add Formulas or functions to allow me to sort through answers to find the most popular answer and least popular as it call allow me to use these results for the base for my promotional product. With Google Sheets it can also allow me to see combined responses in charts or graphs for easier analysis of results and instead of programs like Microsoft Excel where you have to create individual graphs which takes time to create Google Sheets Suggest you to use them for easier of access to view responses and making the use of the website easier to understand results for later use.

With my results from the questionnaire i have discovered,with my results it has a higher male percentage with its answers meaning my magazine will be best aimed at a male audience, which means it will help me dictate a colour scheme best suited to my given Target audience, A good way i could incorporate this information is using colour schemes of football clubs which will make it best suited. However i do have large majority of females within the questionnaire meaning i should also have to make sure the magazine will also cater to the opposite gender to make sure that i don’t no include them and so that the magazine appeals to a much larger target audience instead of to a smaller range.

With my audience research i will also have to factor in the age factor into my target audiences ages on which will be best suited to be in my culture magazine in Manchester. As my magazine does include a high percentage of 16-18 i will need to make it young adult friendly to allow it to cater to everyone and make sure that the cultural magazine has something in for everyone. But the next highest age in my research is 19-21 meaning i will have to cater to students who most likely go to university in Manchester therefore i could include popular dining spots for low budget or a good place to go for a night out whilst in Manchester. With my research on the ages i could show an image on the front cover which caters to all ages for example i could include an image of the Printworks as it includes a variety of things to do there and is a well known spot in Manchester.

through my results these will help serve as a basis for my design.  I have found that my target audience is between the ages of 18-25 and both genders (however with a sightly higher majority of male readers.). And from the results collated, I have found that my magazine should focus on the best place to go for a night out and what would interest students to due to my age demographic.Therefore, when I create my design I need to consider these results, as they indicate what sort of activities my target audience would be interested in as my questionnaire shows that there is a market for a magazine to find out about the culture of Manchester if you are visiting or if you are new to the area